Facility Managers: How to Convince Your Boss That It’s Time for an HVAC Upgrade
You’ve maintained your building’s HVAC to your best capabilities. You’ve dodged bullets, kept the unit maintained, and kept your facility’s temperatures where they need to be. But, its come that time where future repairs are just a band aid on a bigger problem. You want to approach your building’s owner about investing in a new system, but you’re worried you’ll be shot down and told to “make it work”. Since you know your buildings HVAC unit better than anyone else, you know that you’ve done everything possible to prolong its life. Here’s some points to help build your case in getting an HVAC upgrade:
Money talks. Tell your higher ups that a new system will be more efficient than your current one and they will see big time savings on their energy bill. In return, they will see less repair bills too. Inform them how investing in a PM plan will also help prolong your new systems life. Show them you’ve done research and tell them about the new tax ruling for HVAC systems.
With a new system, temperatures in your facility will be at their best capabilities. If you’re an office building, talk to them how temperatures in the work space greatly effect employee productivity (and there’s research to prove it). If they’re in the customer service business, show them how bad temperatures can drive away customers and send them elsewhere. Like mentioned before, money talks. Speak their language and they’ll listen.
Don’t be afraid to be straight forward with your higher ups about the need to upgrade. Ask them for 10 minutes of their time and physically show them the unit to help build your case. Give them details and even an instance where you avoided a major crisis with the system that could happen again. Show them you’ve done your homework and even talked to a reputable HVAC contractor on what an upgrade will cost them.
As a facility manager, your job is crucial as your work behind the scene to keep everything running and in check. Sometimes your hard work will go unnoticed, but you continue to do your best for the company’s sake. If you approach your cause with facts and confidence, your bosses will show their appreciation for your continuous efforts and listen to you. If you show them you have their company’s best interest in mind, they will be sure to approve the upgrade and will thank you for it.
Be sure to get in contact with a trusted HVAC contractor when you’ve won your case so you can continue to do your job at your best capabilities.
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