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Commercial Heating and Air

Smart Roof Top Units: A Shift in Technology for Commercial HVAC

Smart Roof Top Units: A Shift in Technology for Commercial HVAC 1024 768 Amy Gasca

Smart Roof Top Units: A Shift in Technology for Commercial HVAC

Everything around is being optimized to be as smart as a human. Our phones, cars, and computers have drastically shifted since their break through. These new, innovating technologies are designed to make our lives as consumers an easier and better experience. Don’t think a commercial roof top HVAC unit can follow this “smart” trend?
Think again.
Introducing the smart rooftop unit.
A standard RTU has and is a reliable system for commercial buildings, offices, and manufacturers. But, this new breed of smart RTUs is a game changer. In an article with ACHR News, Johnson Controls Commercial Product Marketing Manager Brian Wathen describes them as having the capacity to “monitor, adjust, detect, and diagnose itself and indoor environmental conditions to ensure proper building occupant comfort”. This isn’t the end of its capabilities. Wathen continues to elaborate that these new systems can also provide feedback to users on its conditions and possible issues immediately through wireless communication using an electronic device. One type of smart unit takes things a step further- Internet of Things enabled-where all data collected gets loaded to the cloud. Jim Macosko from Daikin tells ACHR News that an IoT enabled unit is able to use the data it collects, combine it with external analytics, and increases its IQ with the information it harvests. He continues to explain how the unit is able to use all this information to better help the building’s owner make decisions for its unit.
While a smart RTU comes with quite the price tag, it may be worth it for building owners to invest in. Chris Opie spoke with ACHR news on the clear advantages of a smart roof top HVAC. He notes that the unit provides better comfort control and energy efficiency because its ability to communicate with itself. They can monitor its surroundings such as temperature, air quality, and humidity and are then able to auto adjust themselves through sending messages to fans and compressors. Steve VanPeursem, also from Daikin, explained that smart rooftop HVAC are also easier to repair because of its abilities to send diagnostic messages to a dashboard. Rather than a service tech having to manually inspect a unit, they can quickly use the dashboard to view information about the unit and make repairs accordingly.
Opie speaks on how investing in a smart rooftop HVAC is worth it despite the obvious price difference. He explains the benefits of the machine’s life cycle and its ROI. Opie claims that a smart RTU will actually even pay back faster through energy savings and its ability to self-diagnose with can limit service calls. The wireless communication capabilities will also reduce installation costs as they can communicate with other systems and make things easier for the installer.
As these innovative rooftop HVAC units are making their breakthrough in the commercial and industrial HVAC industry, the response is taking slower than usual. Shaun Thomas from Rheem Mfg. Co points out that most business owners usually look for a smaller price tag rather than the latest technology. With time, smart roof top units will likely become the norm as their benefits are overwhelming.
Just like other innovations in technology, the consumer will need time to accept and adapt to the better choice due to comfort in what the standard holds. Before long, smart roof top units are expected to make their breakthrough and be on top of buildings everywhere.


Restaurants: the Importance of Your HVAC System

Restaurants: the Importance of Your HVAC System 525 350 Amy Gasca

Restaurants: The Importance of Your HVAC System

A restaurant has more than just the job of feeding people. It’s a place that people meet for business meetings and events, for a specific ambiance, and for giving people a job. The temperature and climate of a restaurant has to be pleasant for someone to want to return. If a restaurant has its clients shivering throughout their meal or they can smell the fish being fried in the kitchen, it’ll make them think twice about coming back. Or if a cook is unhappy with the air quality in the back, they may seek a different job with better working conditions. An HVAC system can easily make or break the experience someone has at your restaurant. Keep these things in mind while accessing your HVAC and its needs:
Yelp can be your best friend or worst enemy. While someone may praise your spaghetti and meatballs, they may say they won’t be back because of how hot and musty it was inside. If your system is known to be faulty and inconsistent with producing the correct climate, do not let this cost you customers. Stay on top of your HVAC and make sure it provides consistent temperatures to your dining space. If you do not have the proper ventilation, unwanted smells will travel around your restaurant. No one wants to smell pork being roasted while they are trying to enjoy their chocolate cake for dessert. Do not let your HVAC issues be the reason people do not return to your restaurant.
Not only does the HVAC effect a diner’s experience, but it effects employees’ performance too. A restaurant that is too hot and humid is guaranteed to slow worker productivity. No one wants to carry heavy hot plates around a hot restaurant. On the other hand, it is also important that the kitchen is meeting ventilation requirements. Air quality is vital in order to provide a healthy work space for employees. An unhealthy work place can lead to disgruntled employees and even lead to a law suit if they become sick from the improper care of the air quality. Stay on top of maintain exhaust hoods and other components to keep air flowing.
To avoid any problems caused by an unsatisfactory HVAC, talk to an HVAC service provider about getting on a maintenance schedule. Being on top of any issues you may face will help you avoid breakdowns, keep the environment up to standards, and keep customers coming back.


Facility Managers: How to Convince Your Boss That it’s Time for an Upgrade

Facility Managers: How to Convince Your Boss That it’s Time for an Upgrade 1880 1210 Amy Gasca

Facility Managers: How to Convince Your Boss That It’s Time for an HVAC Upgrade

You’ve maintained your building’s HVAC to your best capabilities. You’ve dodged bullets, kept the unit maintained, and kept your facility’s temperatures where they need to be. But, its come that time where future repairs are just a band aid on a bigger problem. You want to approach your building’s owner about investing in a new system, but you’re worried you’ll be shot down and told to “make it work”. Since you know your buildings HVAC unit better than anyone else, you know that you’ve done everything possible to prolong its life. Here’s some points to help build your case in getting an HVAC upgrade:



Money talks. Tell your higher ups that a new system will be more efficient than your current one and they will see big time savings on their energy bill. In return, they will see less repair bills too. Inform them how investing in a PM plan will also help prolong your new systems life. Show them you’ve done research and tell them about the new tax ruling for HVAC systems.


With a new system, temperatures in your facility will be at their best capabilities. If you’re an office building, talk to them how temperatures in the work space greatly effect employee productivity (and there’s research to prove it). If they’re in the customer service business, show them how bad temperatures can drive away customers and send them elsewhere. Like mentioned before, money talks. Speak their language and they’ll listen.
Don’t be afraid to be straight forward with your higher ups about the need to upgrade. Ask them for 10 minutes of their time and physically show them the unit to help build your case. Give them details and even an instance where you avoided a major crisis with the system that could happen again. Show them you’ve done your homework and even talked to a reputable HVAC contractor on what an upgrade will cost them.




As a facility manager, your job is crucial as your work behind the scene to keep everything running and in check. Sometimes your hard work will go unnoticed, but you continue to do your best for the company’s sake. If you approach your cause with facts and confidence, your bosses will show their appreciation for your continuous efforts and listen to you. If you show them you have their company’s best interest in mind, they will be sure to approve the upgrade and will thank you for it.



Be sure to get in contact with a trusted HVAC contractor when you’ve won your case so you can continue to do your job at your best capabilities.


The Lifespan of an HVAC System

The Lifespan of an HVAC System 299 143 Amy Gasca

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How long will an HVAC last?

To answer the question with a simple answer, experts would say 10-15 years. But, many factors can play into this. Whether you’re on the fence about replacing your HVAC or if you want to know how long your recent investment is good for, consider these things:

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1.       Age

If your unit is past its 20-year mark, stop what you’re doing and find a HVAC contractor ASAP. It is more than likely that your HVAC is past its days and it’s time to upgrade. If you just purchased a unit, your unit can last you for up to 20 years given it is properly maintained with a preventative maintenance plan and other measures.

2.       Service and Repair History

Repairs and service play a huge role in an HVAC’s life expectancy. It is without a doubt that a preventative maintenance plan will prolong the life of your unit. Whether it’s done quarterly or annually, a PM plan will reassure that your unit is running smoothly throughout the year. If you do not prioritize taking care of your system, be assured that you will pay the consequences with frequent repairs and a shorten life span of your equipment. If your current system is not already on a PM plan and it’s not too late into its life cycle, be sure to get into contact with a trusted commercial HVAC contractor and set up a plan. It is common ruling to replace your system if repairs exceed 50% of the cost of a new system.

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3.       Quality

Be sure that not only your unit is of good quality, but that your installation process is adequately done. Installation has just as an important role in your unit’s life expectancy as maintenance. Was your unit not installed by a professional? If you are not sure, contact an HVAC tech to come take a look at your current system to check if everything is up to par. Haphazard installation can affect your unit’s life span, so always hire a professional.

[/ffb_param][/ffb_paragraph_2][ffb_paragraph_2 unique_id=”28uboee2″ data=”%7B%22o%22%3A%7B%22gen%22%3A%7B%22ffsys-disabled%22%3A%220%22%2C%22ffsys-info%22%3A%22%7B%7D%22%2C%22text-is-richtext%22%3A%221%22%2C%22align%22%3A%22text-left%22%2C%22align-sm%22%3A%22%22%2C%22align-md%22%3A%22%22%2C%22align-lg%22%3A%22%22%7D%7D%7D”][ffb_param route=”o gen text”]

Keeping all things considered, a typical life expectancy for an HVAC can be efficiently utilized for 20 years if you properly maintain it. Do not expect a neglected system to function efficiently without costing you more than 10-15 years. Again, with proper care, your system and your investment in it can turn out to be good for 20 years. Be sure to contact a HVAC contractor to answer any questions about your unit’s life expectancy and how to efficiently prolong it.

Quick Tip: ASHRAE has a Service Life Database that you can check out to get information on the service life of all major component of an HVAC.


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The Importance of Temperature in the Office Workplace

The Importance of Temperature in the Office Workplace 528 350 Amy Gasca

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IFMA, the International Facility Management Association turned a common office complaint into a fact: The number one cause of office discomfort is being too cold. In fact, 94% of the people surveyed stated this. Guess what falls as number two? You guessed it- 91% of the people said it was too hot. Now that these complaints have now been justified by the IFMA, it is time to take them seriously as they effect the productivity in your office.

You’re probably wondering- what’s the magic temperature to make everyone happy? Well, studies go to show that its somewhat difficult to pinpoint an exact temperature everyone can agree on. But, the research is overwhelming showing that temperature is a major factor in your office’s productivity. Take a look:

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A Cornell University study shows that employees working at a temperature below 68 degrees made 44% more typing mistakes than at the room temperature of 77 degrees. When they increased it to 77 degrees, typing output jumped to a whopping 150%.


If you’d like to hear about the effects in dollars, we got you covered:

Raising the temperature in your office saves an employer $2 per worker, per hour.

A cold office increases worker’s hourly labor by 10 percent.


By now, you may be convinced that temperature indeed has an effect on your employees’ productivity. So, what’s the next step? Let’s take one more glance at some research done by IFMA about office temperatures.

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While 90% of office facility managers do take the time to “spot check temperature, humidity or airflow in area where complaint is received to see whether it within standards”, 87% do nothing but “validate that HVAC system is operating correctly”.


You may want to take initiative before workers become hostile or try make solutions their own. Employees may block vents which can affect your HVACs output and bring in space heaters which can be a hazard. By the Cornell study, it would be suggested to maintain your office between 72 and 79 degrees. While it may be hard to reach an agreement among the office, take steps to try to resolve any issues. Rearrange your office so workers who require cooler temperatures get what they need. Add blinds on windows so workers have the option to let in the sunshine or keep it out. Get lower producing heat light bulbs.


So, instead of brushing off office workers complaints about discomfort in the office, remember: the proof is in the pudding. Be sure to always check in with an HVAC contractor and get on a maintenance plan so you don’t run into any problems with your system in the future.


Tax Break for Commercial HVAC Owners [Infographic]

Tax Break for Commercial HVAC Owners [Infographic] 150 150 Amy Gasca

Under the Tax Cuts and Job Act, businesses are now allowed to fully expense all components of an HVAC system in the same year that they are acquired rather than depreciate them over 39 years. This means huge savings.

Before, the old accounting rule only allowed for a write off of a couple percent per year because of the long depreciation time. Because the new law allows the deduction of the full cost of HVAC equipment in the year of purchase, the tax savings are substantially larger. The ACCA has an infographic that breaks down the new law in simple matters:


So, what does this mean for you?

As you may already know, R22 is being completely phased out by 2020. This means you will eventually have to replace your HVAC unit if it still requires the use of R22 refrigerant. If you do not make the switch, repairs will become costly and you are putting of the inevitable of having to replace your system.

With the new tax break, making the jump to replace your HVAC systems will be easier as you can reduce your tax bill within the same year of purchase.

If your unit is failing and costing you with the frequent repairs, you may want to go ahead and start fresh with a new system. If a new system is in your future but you aren’t sure if you want to make the decision to change, take into consideration how tax laws can change frequently. You would not want to miss out on this opportunity.




If you are ready to make the investment and save big this year on your taxes, be sure to get in touch with a trusted commercial HVAC contractor.

R22 Phasing Out By 2020- What This Means for You and HVAC Repairs

R22 Phasing Out By 2020- What This Means for You and HVAC Repairs 290 143 Amy Gasca

R22 Phase Out: What it Means for You and Your HVAC System

Chances are you are already aware of the EPA’s decision to phase out R22 refrigerant. Studies over the years have discovered that the hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) found in refrigerant are depleting the ozone layer. By 2020, the production of R22 will be discontinued.

So what does this mean for you?

If your HVAC unit was produced before 2010, it is very likely that your unit requires R22. Don’t panic yet. Because of the gradual phase out, R22 is still available to maintain current units that require it. So, you may continue to get use of your unit. But, because R22 is no longer being produced, costs of repairs and service are going to rise. The purpose of the phase out instead of an outright ban is to give people the chance to make a sound decision on whether they want to hold off on replacing their building’s units or go ahead on making the transition to a new unit.

Here are some options for you to consider:

1. Retrofitting

Retrofit technologies can make your existing unit hold out for longer before you make the jump for an all new unit and give you time to make a decision on which unit to buy. This process removes the old refrigerant in your system and replaces it with another, more environmentally friendly, refrigerant.

2. Complete Replacement

New systems come with the most energy efficient refrigerants widely available. These systems are more energy efficient and often have longer warranties than was typical just a few years ago.

3. Do Nothing!

You can simply just wait for your system to completely break down. We dont advise it, but hey- your call.

Be sure to get into contact with your mechanical contractor whether you decide to retrofit or replace your HVAC unit. They can guide you in the right direction as they certainly have a plan on how to handle the phase out.


Temperature and Productivity for Office and Manufacturing Environments

Temperature and Productivity for Office and Manufacturing Environments 720 480 admin

Chris Willis

The organizations of today are deeply focused on accomplishing more while using fewer resources. It seems everywhere we go we are looking for gains in efficiency. Miles per gallon, trees per coffee cup, lean manufacturing, and eliminating double data entry are all conversation topics common in our world. Everyone is trying to be more efficient. One of the most important metrics any company has is Employee Efficiency.

People efficiency, in my opinion, is most important. How much work can your team accomplish in a given amount of time?

What would a 3% raise in productivity this year mean for your organization? How about 5%?
What if you could raise the productivity of your entire team by 10%? What would that mean for you?

It may be possible. Let me explain.

Office and manufacturing environments today are getting all kinds of features and benefits to attract employees and help productivity. Bright LED lighting systems, open floor plans, more meeting rooms than ever, skype/teleconference rooms, and more are being added to organizations all in an effort to increase productivity. In my opinion, one of the most overlooked factors in employee productivity is HVAC.

What is the temperature in your office? Who decided on it? Who can adjust it, and when?

Most organizations can’t answer these questions yet they should be able to.

Allow me to explain:

Humans are warm blooded. We are constantly regulating our own body temperature. We balance all kinds of factors, internal and external, to achieve a level of thermostatic control on our core body temperature that is really remarkable. The harder our systems work on regulating body temperature, the less we can use them for anything else. If we are in a room that is 120 degrees, dripping sweat from our chins, there is no way we will be efficient. Same thing goes for being in a room that is -10 degrees. This is a pretty simple concept.

Here’s the big question: What temperature is the most efficient, and how much of a difference does it really make? How do you make the most efficient work place possible, in terms of temperature? I’m glad you asked.


According to scientific studies, the most efficient temperature for humans to complete work is 71.6 degrees. This same study found a reduction in performance of 8.9% when the temperature raised a little over 10 degrees. Let that sink in. Almost 10%.
This study took place in office environments, field laboratories, apparel factories, and class rooms.

I want to make sure this hits home. Let’s read that one more time:


This study found almost 10% productivity increases in office AND manufacturing spaces when controlling temperature to 71.6 degrees.


So why is your manufacturing space not heated and cooled? Why does your staff set the temperature in the office to 78 degrees or 68 degrees?
Are those things really hurting your productivity?

Science says they are.


Check out this table from Berkeley Research


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